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   Our Work
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Since 1874 the Charity has helped a wide variety of applicants.
In the past four years we have seen a flood of applications directly resulting from Brexit, the Pandemic, Inflation and the Cost of Living Crisis not to mention from the enhanced public awareness of Domestic Violence.

We have been able to assist in myriad ways ranging from providing small pensions, bearing burial costs, providing food vouchers, installing hard needed white goods in otherwise totally bare Council flats, buying a hard needed fridge or even arranging for an applicant's return to The Netherlands, to name but a few examples.

We work with young children on a regular basis also bearing in mind the safeguarding legislation current in the UK. We work with the elderly and those who have through no fault of their own lost their job and need help to get back on their feet.
All our Applicants receive a listening ear and pastoral care where that is welcome. Indeed, we boast a 'Dagelijks Bestuur' who are on call 24/7 to help with emergencies. All this work is carried out by unremunerated Trustees and volunteers who meet monthly, eleven times a year.
Trustees make personal visits to the applicants on a regular basis. The Charity keeps contact with the applicants via telephone and email and does so often well after their case has been closed. Trustees sometimes even accompany applicants on complex visits or where transfer to The Netherlands is called for.

We employ two remunerated Social Work Coordinators to facilitate the efforts of our Trustees and to see to it that every individual case is evaluated and presented in the most complete format for a decision by the Trustees.