kwf masthead
Koning Willem Fonds proudly celebrated
its 150th Anniversary at Trinity House
with its Patron HRH Princess Beatrix
as the Guest of Honour.

The Lunch in Pictures is available from the homepage.

VIP photo of 150 year lunch
©James Hills Photography


The objects of the Society are to render in its sole discretion assistance to Dutch nationals in need, living in the United Kingdom, irrespective of race or religion. Assistance may also be given to others in the United Kingdom if they are the surviving widows or widowers of Dutch nationals, or children with at least one parent of Dutch nationality.

Circumstances such as illness, mental stress, an emergency, old age, general poverty, and generally where an acute need of any kind exists, or an opportunity presents itself for improvement of conditions of life where these are below an acceptable level, all qualify for possible assistance.

The Charity's aim is to support beneficiaries out of interest income earned on capital, (investments are placed with Evelyn partners), and from donations and/or sponsorships. The present high level of demand for aid means the Charity is drawing down from its capital reserves at a rate not reported in living memory

  Donate via PayPal

  Donate via Bank Transfer

Account name:
The Netherlands Benevolent Society
( Koning Willem Fonds )

Sort Code: 50-00-00;
Account number: 29926580

IBAN: GB35NWBK50000029926580

Please consider a Standing Order.

   Gift Aid your Donation,

this form enables us to claim an
additional 25p
for every £1 you donate

KWF Gift Aid form